Welcome to KindnessInspires.Us

UPDATE: Due to the enormous firestorms in California, I have no energy to further nurture this kindness project, but I like it’s potential a great deal.

WELCOME! ~ Feelings are like the music soundtracks to our lives. The tone of this music changes EVERYTHING.   The better we feel, the more empowered we can be collectively to improve life for us all.

When  ( ( ( Kindness Ripples ) ) ) drawings appear, I often heard people say “I really needed that.” and “Ain’t that the truth.”

By offering examples of kindness, we can help ourselves and others in the world feel happier and more connected to each other, which we all really need, especially now.

You are invited to experience how fun this is.  The video below shows the project’s humble beginnings of offering gratitude to people with extra-ordinary kindness.  

Don’t miss the 1 minute mark… That’s good stuff!  For details on why the ripples were made, the first half for Robin is here and the second half for Ellen and Lou is here.

do you want to thank for their kindness?
Learn how you can do that by clicking here.

This website was created so you can experience how wonderful this simple idea is.  It is a fun way to thank people for kindness and make lots of people happy, including you!

Unprecedented access to information has raised our awareness of global challenges and it overwhelms our hearts.  I feel the answer to how to make things better lies within each of us where ever we are. 

Random acts of kindness make a big difference in our relationships where we live, work, and play.  We each can make a difference, by giving in a small way every day our knowledge, our time, our skills and most importantly …our love.

My quest to find this within myself and others and eclipse the bad news that over-whelms me sometimes led me to create this web page.

I’d be so grateful to see your unique ripple in the pond, if you like this idea.

Thanks for visiting! ~ KC (Kimberly)

"Giving is NOT about being able to afford to do it...  It's about deciding it must be done." 
             ~ Anonymous ~

The value of it is totally dependent on creative contributions by people like you.

~ Kindness inspires more kindness ~

See these individual links to learn about how it started, how to participate and contact or subscribe to learn about future events and favorite ripples from people like you and I.