Ripple #1

( ( ( Kindness Ripples ) ) ) is about bringing more kindness and joy to the world. ~ ~ Your ripple could be featured next!

In 2016 on what would have been Robins William’s 65th birthday, I celebrated his life  with a special friend who flew to San Francisco from Georgia.  We created spontaneous tributes.   At first it was just an expression of love, but what we found was that the chalk drawing below was bringing a lot of joy to those who witnessed it.

It wasn’t obvious to passers by that this a memorial tribute  for Robin, intentionally.  It was a spot frequented by those he loved and we wanted to be discrete.  Those who knew what RW stood for, knew.  ;o)

You can visit the front page to see the first 2 ripples we made, including this one.  

Robin’s daughter, Zelda, generously shared her thoughts with us after Robin’s passing:

"...Dad was, is and always will be one of the kindest, most generous, gentlest souls I've ever known, and while there are few things I know for certain right now, one of them is that not just my world, but the entire world is forever a little darker, less colorful and less full of laughter in his absence. We'll just have to work twice as hard to fill it back up again."

The time spent celebrating Robin’s life with my friend was a beautiful experience.  We met thru a FaceBook fan group and she has become one of my most cherished friends.  I’m grateful for her friendship and I’m grateful for the friendship of others found through the process of grieving for one of the sweetest souls to grace this planet.

While learning about how he lived and loved, I gained helpful skills to do video tributes, websites and use social media. As he said in one of his favorite films, Dead Poet’s Society, “The longer you wait to find your voice, the harder it is to begin.”

So much truth in these words. I don’t have perfect words to do what I do and sometimes I’ve fumbled, but I just roll with my heart leading the way.   Thank you to all of you that have laughed, cried and inspired myself and others in sharing the love of Robin.

May he live on forever in the hearts of millions we never met.

As the ripples are published, you will find them in the blog posts links below and many will be featured in special communications to inspire others.